
Summer is officially over and now it’s time to create. Amazing to me that in the Spring there is such relief as the sun burns warmer and the plants poke up out of the ground. The sweaters and coats go away and the tee shirts and shorts move to the front then; as Fall approaches the excitement begins for cooler weather, sweaters, boots and jackets. Being a Minnesota boy I realize how there is just enough of each season for me. I am never surprised that Fall and Winter are the seasons that most people create in. There is an energy that comes with the cooler (even cold) weather. Ready to go at it. That said; I am ready and excited about this season and the variety of work we are about to embark on. Tomorrow we move into the Cowles Center to tech and open out production of “Venus and Adonis”. What’s not to be excited about. Beautiful theater, lovely show, gorgeous dancing and great performers hitting the boards again. Hope you make it there to see the show.

This summer for me was packed with a variety of things. For the past 26 years I have directed “Glamorama” for Macy’s and, traveling to Chicago, Los Angeles and San Fransisco with that show was rewarding, exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. The charities that benefit from the show were a wonderful reminder that there is so much good work going on the world that in so many ways is more important than my own. Watching a video before the show about “Glide” in San Fransisco, which supplies support, food and love to those suffering from HIV-Aids brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of when I was 16 and there was an anti-war march to the Capitol in St. Paul and I had a show. I was crying because I wanted to be there. John Donahue, the director at the Children’s Theater said to me “this is what you do for peace, you create art, with your art you bring joy”. A wonderful lesson that I am still trying to understand fully. I get it but I still know in my heart that there is more I can do. I’ll figure that out one day I know. In the meantime, I am dedicated to doing what I can with the gift I have been given. So….off I go on my journey to create joy and beauty, art and controversy, laughter and tears.

This summer also brought the passing of some very dear friends. I know that the feelings I felt (and feel) in my heart for them will show up in my work. That’s how I express feelings; I create dances. That’s what I do! I have made a commitment to myself to write on this blog more often this year so…..please let me know if you read it and if you have anything to say in regards to anything I write. I am a very interested person….I enjoy people and I enjoy everyone’s perspective and value other peoples insights.

See you at the show!!!!

XO, Myron


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